I've never been much of a writer... In fact, I've never been very creative. All of my creativity seems to stem from problem solving ability, which I'm sure has some fancy name, but to me, it's just, not creative.

I've been carrying around a pocket notebook for 4 years now, and I normally use it to jot down notes for work, funny quotes, set lists, network sketches, but I think I'm going to start using it to journal more. I doubt that any of what I write in there will make it to the Internet, but if I find that I get more witty by writing more, I may share some.

Maybe, it's that I've never really output any of my thoughts in any sort of organized fashion (or unorganized, for that matter) is why I feel I have no innate creativity, so maybe this will be a step forward.

As it stands now (which I can mostly do on my own) I think that breaking my ankle did something to my head as well. Not being able to fend for one's self is quite humbling. I've haven't had too many traumatic experiences in my 32 years, and this one was, far and away, a bad one.

Now I'm just rambling... Let's just stop now, and I'll concentrate on watching Spooks (MI-5), and wait for my better half to get home.


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